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permanent cellulite Reduction

IWC is excited to be the only center in the North State to offer Aveli.


Aveli is a direct approach that works by identifying and releasing the primary structural causes of cellulite. It is the only FDA approved treatment for a meaningful and lasting reduction in cellulite.

The Procedure

Aveli works by targeted release of the septal bands that tether the skin to the underlying structures. It is a minimally invasive, in office procedure that takes approximately one hour to perform. And is a one time treatment procedure that leads to significant, long tasting results. There is minimal downtime and most people are able to resume regular activity one to two days following the treatment. 



The ideal candidate for Aveli therapy is in overall good health, does not smoke, and is not pregnant or breastfeeding. Skin changes must also be the result of cellulite and not skin laxity.


If you are concerned about the appearance of cellulite, the physicians at IWC can help determine if this procedure is right for you.

Recovery and Results

Aveli is a minimally invasive procedure with very little down time. The most common side effects reported were mild pain within the first twenty four hours and bruising and tenderness to the touch which is typically resolved within 30 day.  Some patients returned to normal activities within one day of the procedure and most within a week.  Lower body exercise is minimized for 2 weeks to help reduce swelling.


Final results are usually present 3 months after the procedure. 

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