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Hormone replacement Therapy

hormone replacement therapy

Fatigue, high stress, low sex drive or uncontrolled weight gain, may all be signs that you are suffering from a hormonal imbalance.  At Intentional Wellness Center, we are committed to helping you achieve  your best  overall health, including through optimizing your hormonal health. 


With an initial in depth health assessment including a comprehensive blood panel, our physicians will work with you to determine whether you are a candidate, and the optimal treatment for hormone therapy. 

what is hormone replacement?

Hormones control most of our basic bodily functions. They serve as the primary communication between cells throughout the body, including everything from digestion, growth, appetite, immune function, mood, libido, strength and brain function. 


Even a minor imbalance in hormones can lead to a significant negative impact on our health and wellbeing. 


Hormone replacement therapies help bring the body back in balance and minimize the symptoms of aging addressing the physical and mental effects of weight gain, fatigue, depression, osteoporosis, and heart disease. 


There are many options regarding the route and amount of hormonal replacement to optimize your overall health, including bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.  Partner with the physicians at Intentional Wellness to determine the best therapy options available to you. â€‹


FOr Women

Hormone replacement therapy is the most effective therapy for the treatment of vasomotor symptoms, including hot flashes and night sweats associated, with menopause. It is also the leading treatment for the prevention of osteoporosis.  Additionally, hormone replacement therapy can increase sex drive, relieve vaginal dryness, ease mood changes, reduce irritability and improve sleep.

FOr men

Starting in the early 30s, most men develop a gradual and constant drop in testosterone. This can lead to: low energy, trouble concentrating, loss of muscle mass, weight gain, sleep disorders, depression, reduced sexual desire and performance as well as heart disease risk factors including: high cholesterol and hypertension.  Hormone replacement therapy can help prevent and reverse these issues. 

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Determining whether you are a candidate for hormone replacement therapy, as well as the optimal replacement regimen, will require a comprehensive evaluation by one of our physicians. A thorough evaluation will include a DEXA scan and laboratory analysis.Women will need an up to date gynecological exam and mammogram. 


Once you are determined to be a good candidate for hormone replacement, a  personalized treatment regimen will be constructed for you. 

Why intentional Wellness?

At Intentional Wellness, your optimal health and wellbeing are our sole focus.  Our goal is to practice safe, effective, and compassionate medicine, utilizing all of the resources at our disposal to help achieve your optimal hormone therapy regimen.  





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